If you see the magic

in a fairy tale

you can face the

If you see the magic in a fairytale, you can face the future…

Sometime it’s easier to see the hidden truth through the fairytales. We all need a facilitator or an activator of our soul healing journey. And that could be the fairytale when we are talking to the imaginary activating different layers of our perception.

you can face the future…

All that is linked to how our brain waves worked in childhood. Do you remember what you felt as a child building sand castles?

We were allowed to be artists and open all possible corners of our souls as the kids. We invite you to reborn that spirit within us.

We are creating spaces of such fairy tales, focusing on the power of Art. Because art is silence telling the truth, and at the same time a portal between grounded physical body and the wondering soul.

Then there is a Sound.

Someone said that the sound was before the Incarnation of the Soul.

The ultimate language and the new philosophy. It takes you on a journey to the layers and layers of mixed feelings uncovering the hidden points of your personal growth.

Our idea is to create an experience at the intersection of visual art, digital media technologies and the power of music.

Through our fairytales we help to open the forgotten feelings of exploring in excitement to facilitate the healing of our souls and hearts. Arcadians are connected to the frequencies of Magic, Light and Love. #weplaywedancewelove
About us

Hidden Elements art community

A community of modern art collectors, digital visual artists and electronic musicians from different parts of the world

Building a new paradigm of art perception and value.Our idea is to create the experience on the intersection of visual art, digital media technologies and power of music. Through our fairytales we help to open the forgotten feelings of exploring in excitement to facilitate the healing of our souls and hearts

Later Hidden Elements concentrated on the creation of it’s own art and music festival “Tales of Arcadia” in Mugla, Türkiye.

Within the festival the HE collective organises the art open-call for the creation of special art objects with the support of the local art community as well as creating it’s own art and digital media project to be showcased during the year among some galleries and on the festival’s site as well.


Erman Ayaydin

Entrepreneur with 20+ years of production&business operations experience. Problem solving interstellar. Champion of friendship and hi-end hugs. Music driven soul. Spiritually “deep-endless”.

Fedor Sarokvasha

Entrepreneur with 20+years of marketing&finance experience. MBA wasted, Force of Light connected. Ultra marathon runner, Himalayas climber, pro finisher. Deep into the eyes jumper. Impossible beats wet blanket.

Misha Kapralov

Dancing architect, art&fashion freak, less problematic unit in the world, anti-stress object by himself. Upscale visionary with kindest heart. Super talented music producer.

Kseniia Bruk

Daytime architect, night goat of art&design. Creative frequencies facilitator. Art gallery curator. Another visual dimension arrival expert. Deepest eyes in the room.

Erman Ayaydin
Fedor Sarokvasha
Misha Kapralov
Kseniia Bruk
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