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Home / Activities / Healing Resonance Portal
Healing Resonance Portal

A space where music, meditation and therapy join in to bring us into the very heart of our Being. Created by Aleteo Vibrante - a team of musicians, therapists and healers, who love life, heart, music, wisdom of ancient healing traditions and nowadays findings on power of vibration and sound.

Home / activities / Healing Resonance Portal
Healing Resonance Portal

A space where music, meditation and therapy join in to bring us into the very heart of our Being. Created by Aleteo Vibrante - a team of musicians, therapists and healers, who love life, heart, music, wisdom of ancient healing traditions and nowadays findings on power of vibration and sound.

Scheduled: Pre-registration is required
Date October 3, 2024
Time 15.30

What is Healing Resonance Portal

Sound healing proves to be the medicine of the 21st century. Growing scientific research on power of sound, vibration and music therapy to bring about deeper wellbeing,  psycho-physical coherence and true rejuvenation for the nervous system inspire us to call such a sound bath - a Healing Portal.

We believe that the benefits of such experience go even deeper. Whether in modern research or within ancient traditions, we see that human is a multilayered being. We’re happy only when our whole system, physical, emotional and mental bodies are in tune.

Tuning ourselves like music instruments, literally finding a new harmony, we find that some strings asked to be strengthened and some loosened to be able to let Life resonate within us in a healthy, communicative, spacious way. 

Our therapists help you loosen and activate those strings with a gentle bodywork (always optional and offered only with your permission). In this way we invite you to be not only a passive listener, but a cocreator of this space through the faculty of active listening.

Setting and flow of the event

Preparing body, mind and heart for a deep repose with conscious breath and Oming.

Entering into a state of yoga nidra - sound healing space opens with Tibetan Bowls bath for all participants.

Deep a-tuning guided by our musical journey created with surrounding sound - electronic base and multiple live instruments and live chanting.

Tuning of the three bodies through active listening, supported with bodywork and aromatherapy.


  • Sound Journey lasts approximately 2 hours.
  • Each of the festival day. 
  • Session capacity - 30 people individual work.
  • Pre-registration is required.
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